Introduction To Rock Climbing
2 hours | $35 for members | $45 for non-members
Rock climbing can be a fun mental and physical challenge. This course will introduce you to basic safety, equipment, and climbing technique.
The top rope portion of this class will focus on equipment, knot-tying, belay technique, and climbing technique, while the bouldering portion will focus on falling, spotting, padding, and climbing technique. This class is intended for climbers age 13 and up due to belaying age restrictions.
- One and a half hours of instruction
- Rental equipment
- Climbing time for the remainder of the day/evening

Lead Climbing
2 x 2 hour classes | $85 for members | $100 for non-members
In Part I of this two-part class you will learn about preparation and visualization, as well as strategies for climbing efficiently, including how to rest. We’ll focus on clipping techniques and practice falling, as well as doing some climbing, of course.
In Part II of the lead class we’ll have a brief recap of Part I to get you warmed up, then you will focus on the act of lead belaying. We will focus the basic mechanics of a lead belay before going over the nuts and bolts of giving safe dynamic belays that will give your climber the confidence to push forward!
- Two classes – 2 hours of instruction per class
- Climbing time for the remainder of the day
- 15% off discount on any rope purchase
(must be used within 1 week of class participation)
- Climb 5.10 or harder
- Proficient top-rope belaying

Members Clinic!
1 hour | free for members | 1 punch for punch pass users
Every month we teach a class on a different topic related to climbing to get you stronger and more prepared for your next climbing venture. Topics like climbing technique, crack climbing, setting, and more!
Registration is limited.
Private Lessons & Personal Instruction
$280 for first four sessions | $60/hour additional
If you’ve already run through our curriculum of cool classes, and you’re looking for further help with your climbing then it’s time to check out some focused personal instruction. Whatever it is you want to work on, whether it’s power, endurance, technique, or visualization. Private lessons are intended for those looking for consistent coaching and progression.
Please email for more info.

How to Climb with Your Kids
$30 for members | $40 for non-members
This class will be taught by two of our youth coaches, Sheena & Maggie, and cover fun skills, games, and tips to help make climbing with your kids fun and successful. You’ll leave this class with knowledge of more creative ways to make climbing with your kids more successful and a packet of everything covered in the class.
Pre-requisites: Participants must be belay certified.
Beyond the Basics:
$95 for members | $110 for non-members
Beyond the Basics: Top-roping is a two week program focusing on building top-roping skills and techniques. This class will meet twice a week and go over things such as general technique and in balance climbing, slab and overhang climbing, and projecting. This class is targeted for 5.9-5.10 climbers. Participants of this class MUST be belay certified prior to registering.